...and a bottle of rum.
Make that two bottles, what the hey? I'm feeling very nautical today.
I have scurvy.
OK, so it's not like me teeth are falling out and I am developing weeping rashes and hideous swelling (because that I would notice). But I have been drawn to watching Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and singing "Yo-ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's life for me..." But maybe that's just to prompt my young daughter to launch into her hilarious impersonation of Captain Jack Sparrow: "Oh baggah (bugger)" No matter how many time I hear it, it cracks me up. What can I say? I am one of those moms. Doting. That's me.
But seriously; from doting to dotage: I am clinically deficient in Vitamin C. Not low in it. Like not even on the scale in the first place. Technically, that's scurvy. (yo ho)
This can only happen to me.
Well, Dr. #25 called back with the results of my bloodwork and told me this news. "You need to take a supplement" he said.
"I take 1000 mg a day" was my reply.
That threw him. But only for a second. #25 recovers well. "Do you know what Vitamin C is essential for?" he asked. Actually, I didn't. I was thinking brain and myelin and such, but I know that is all B vitamins (I have had deficiencies there in the past). So it was his turn to throw me:
OK. Now that actually is very interesting. More below on that one.
So then I asked "Does this explain my symptoms" The answer was immediate: "No". So it's basically another incidental finding. Bloody typical! Almost every doctor I have gone to see has diagnosed me with *something* and then gone on to say that the *something* -whatever it is, is not causing my main symptoms. I have been through B12 deficiency, B9 (folic acid) deficiency, asthma, ADHD, calcium deficiency, EDS, Syringomyelia, migraines, "ocular migraines" (Ha!), Reynaud's syndrome, and now Vitamin C deficiency. ...But none of these explain the actual *problem* which is that I have fits. Although according to #25, I shouldn't discount the migraines. So I am footnoting that one in me head.
So collagen... Yes: I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which is a collagen problem in the first place, so have a Vitamin C deficiency is downright negligent on my part. Careless, even. Except I was taking a supplement. I took a wee look at myself and did a bit of research. Maybe I wasn't absorbing the fake C from the supplement? It didn't seem that likely, but maybe..
I thought then maybe my diet is to blame? I don't eat much fruit, because I am hypoglycemic. However, what fruit I do eat (I eat berries and I drink orange juice) is high in Vitamin C. I eat lots of broccoli and some potatoes, both of which are good sources of C. I don't take any of the drugs that might cause C malabsorption or deficiency, and I am not in any of the risk factor groups for deficiency, i.e. elderly, alcoholic or living in an institution.
Or a man with cancer. Nor do I have Cohn's or Celiac Sprue. OK I am sure about the celiac disease. I was tested for that one. I'm pretty sure about the other one too. my stomach is about the only part of me which gives very little trouble.
Well, this is why I love the Internet: I posted on one of the medical boards, and I found a woman with EDS who has problems absorbing and storing certain vitamins/minerals -including vitamin C.. HA! So I am not the only one! OK I am one of very few. but not the only one... Hurray! I have a thread to follow. Because pioneering isn't all it's cracked up to be. I would like to be a follower for a change. On this point only.
Yo ho.