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March 27, 2009


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Quirky Mom

Bravo for Dr. Curious! I wish the two of you a great deal of luck in your research.

Bendy Girl

Blogging is amazing! Another of my EDS contacts (we live near each other) is desperate to find out if there is a link between EDS and epilepsy/seizures. If you email me perhaps I could put you in touch with each other and perhaps you could put her in touch with this wonderful doctor or vice versa?
PS Have you contacted Brad Tinkle, the author of the new EDS book? He's on facebook if you are too?

Lisa Moon

OH.MY.GOSH!!! Hallelujah for Dr. Curious! Who might also be called Dr. Who Deserves Her Degree!

I'm BEYOND thrilled that the wonderful world of technology has linked you at long last with someone willing and able to work toward finding some answers!

Can I say it again, please? I am SO SO THRILLED that this doctor has found you and is wanting to help!

I thought my day was made already, this makes it 100 times over again! And week! And month!


One Sick Mother

BG, I sent you an e-mail, was it Spaminated?

Bendy Girl

I just came back here to check about the email addy so I guess the spam filters ate it! If you could resend that'd be really good and I'll check my spam filters for it! Hope you're doing ok? BG x

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