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June 23, 2009


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Quirky Mom

Excellent work, OSM. :D


Tiffany will probably be 'head hunting' you now!


Your humor cracks me up. 501(c)3's do hire PR firms, but their approaches are pretty different! Sometimes I'll post the comment but just not reply to it.


Jeez, the cajones of some people absolutely amazes me! However, I have to admit to taking a certain amount of delight in their doggedness because it does provide fertile ground for expose as in the case of this post. Long live the ballzy!


Wow. That's pretty blatant.

Um, I feel the need to say that not all press releases are signs that someone is trying to scam you out of money. PR firms do occasionally do pro bono work, just like lawyers, for causes they endorse.

I haven't done it with my blog yet, but I can envision giving free advertising to someone who approached me with something I checked out and thought was truly cool enough to write about. (I do think bloggers who take money to do that ought to 'fess up about it when they post. I feel strongly on that.)

And there are definitely commercial products out there that can be of use or benefit to members of the autism community or the chronic illness community, or whatever.

But this kind of thing? Good for you for refusing to be their pawn, without even benefiting from it.

Anyway, I just found your blog and started reading, and well, as someone who once upon a time was a member of the media and occasionally, in the past, did PR type stuff on a freelance basis, I couldn't resist chiming in. (Er, in case there's any doubt, I have nothing to do with that site or Tiffany's firm! I'm not working at all these days!)

One Sick Mother


Thanks for stopping by and for commenting.

Yes you are right, of course. And I don't think the product Tiffany was promoting was a scam, I just hated her underhanded approach.

What I did not mention in the post was that I did confront Tiffany via e-mail and gave her an opportunity to refute my assumptions before I published this post and she didn't respond.

I would definitely promote (for free) a product that I use and believe in, such as the books I recommend here on the site.

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