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July 30, 2009


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My daughter and I were in a theme restaurant yesterday. On the wall was one of those signs reproducing an advertisement from yestercentury. The ad copy was boosting witch hazel's amazing curative powers. Curiously, witch hazel and these "-ical" supplements seem to do the same thing: everything! Except, witch hazel also cures cholera. Yeah, I know! I was surprised, too! Anyways, witch hazel is a lot cheaper, and, what with also curing cholera, is obviously the better bargain for the conscientious snake oil consumer.

William Bilbro

Notice, too, that many of the disorders are very borderline in nature; either borderline diagnosable or borderline treatable, with clouds of opinion and pseudoscience surrounding them. This allows the outcome expectations to be kept conveniently low.

Also, and even more interesting, many have appeared as the "guest" disease on popular television shows such as "House" and the like. They have self-advertising built right in.


Thanks for this website. Unforetunately I fell to it myself as well, figured it was worth the try. But when I got my shipment from Pakistan, I immediately knew something was definately wrong. So I lost $85, but am an experience richer on online scams. Never thought I would fall for them, but when it comes to health you shut down some of your internal sensors, I guess. Anyway, I will probably write a blog about it myself, allthough it is pretty embarassing.

Thanks again!


I was almost fooled, even had made the request, but after making some research on the product name, I found this site that made it clear to a coup.

The request is directed to another site, which I believe is a company that makes the transaction credit card, there is the possibility of cancellation, which occurred through the information on the number of credit card, purchase order number and email.

I hope that this really happened, because I received confirmation of cancellation, below the site responsible for the transaction:

CCNow Client Services
[email protected]


I would love to know if the ccnow site is real? I have also made an order.. but it was just a day ago and have made the cancellation like Marigelson. Will the cancellation be really successful and it will not be charged to my account?

One Sick Mother

CCNow is a real company, owned by Digital River, which is traded publicly here in the US.

The problem they have (if you read the fine print) is that Solutions by Nature must approve the cancellation. However as product has probably not been shipped (from Pakistan) yet, your card should not have been charged in the first place; -here in the US your card may not be charged until product is shipped.

If your card has been charged so quickly, contact CCnow and threaten a dispute with your credit card company. If they refuse to return your money, contact your credit card company and make a fuss. Make sure you stress the date you ordered and the date you were charged. You will get your money back.


Thanks for the prompt reply OSM. However, my transaction was made through debit card and not credit card. The amount has already been deducted from my bank. I live outside the US hence I'm unsure how the transactions with CCNow works. Does CCNow do refunds to bank accounts ?

One Sick Mother


I did a post on this recently, when a FOAF gave me some info.

However it doesn't answer your direct question. I am no expert, but I figure if they can take money from your bank through a debit card, they can put it back in the same way (but most companies don't like to do it that way round!)

Contact your bank, explain the situation and see what they can do. I'm sure they will want to help.



Thanks OSM. You've really been a great help. I just wish I had done more research and found your site yesterday before placing an order, especially when I had found the site pretty fishy in the first place. But you're right. It's that HOPE. Anyways, thank you once again for your wonderful site!

Nancy appleton

What do you know about Hismatex for emphysema?
Here is the website.
It comes from Rome, which is doubtful

Here is another site that compares three, probably all made by same person
Hope you know something.
Nancy Appleton

One Sick Mother


I think you mean Hismatax, which is a scam

...and you are right, the other site is also documented here as a scam

There is a list of all the scams I have found on the left side of this site, under the heading "Scams"

I hope this helps.



I almost fell for the Keratosis Pilaris one. Almost... Seemed too good to be true so lucky I do my research.


Is Lichreton a legit product? It was on the same page that took me to the Pilarical. Much appreciated if someone could check that out.

One Sick Mother


No. It is a scam.

Barbara Davis

Thank you for exposing these sick twisted indeviduals. I was a victim of their demented scam.
I just hope no one else falls into their trap.


Nothing like someone who can't spell individuals. :( grammar is taken for granted. And that's pretty sick that people can honestly scam off of genuinely sick people. This world is shot to hell imo. At least they haven't made a Multiple Sclerosis scam yet. That would anger me seeing as I have it.

Bill Peck

So sad, like all the others responding I too am looking for a cure product for COPD. Thank God I didn't order before I saw this website. But you know what? I'm still looking for that cure.


Thanks for your great web site! When looking for treatments for something as simple as a sebaceous cyst I found the Banical site. What a laugh! I could see though the hype pretty quickly, but I work for a hospital. Hope others stumble across your site before they are duped into spending hard earned money for baseless promises.

R D Dalton

Thank you for your time to look out for more victims. I have a lipoma and I have searched the world over for a cure. I haven't bought anything yet, but it's not because I haven't been looking.
But after your research, I will just let it be.

Thank you for revealing these scams, it will save me the time and expense.
Thank you again.
Denison Texas


Hi. I've come across the following website:

Please let me know if you have any knowledge of this being a scam?


One Sick Mother


I haven't been able to research it is depth yet. It seems to prepare custom herbal formulations for different ailments, like Eastern doctors do.

However, Here is the big difference: You have no idea who is behind this site. It could be random stuff cut-and-pasted off the Internet. Real Eastern doctors train for YEARS to understand these herbs. They also will examine the patient and the formulation they prepare will be based on how the patient *presents*, not on whatever Western diagnosis the patient has. If you are intersted in seeking this kind of medical treatment, I recommend you do it properly and find a real Eastern practicioner. Otherwise, you will be doing roughly the same thing as taking Western drugs without medical guidance or a prescription, and either option can hurt you.



Freeked when I read about Solutions by Nature here RIGHT AFTER I had just ordered it (pilarical). Spoke with CCNow to cancel order less than 12 hours after (as per information above - Thank You). Will hopefully work or I will follow up with my credit card company.

What convinced me to try was info. on this site:

Thank You So Much for the info. I'll check future prospecive purchases more thoroughly.


In my research I have come to find that many of these ailments seem to stem from all forms of toxins taken in by our bodies. Herbal remedies I believe ,if genuine, will help. The other route that appears to be legitimate would be a form of detox. I am currently looking into sauna therapy with also involves taking vitamins, minerals and a calcium-magnesium mix to replenish vital nutrients and niacin to help excrete the toxins. This program is outlined in L. Ron Hubbard's book "Clear Body, Clear Mind" and is being used by the "New York Rescue Worker's Detoxification Project" (formed to help 911 rescue worker's health) with great results.

Another detox. I am considering (for faster results) is zeolite. Do you or anyone else know anything about this?


All I can say is, Thank you! My husband suffers from lichen planus and I was about to visit the plenical site. Thanks to you we won't get taken advantage of.


I have lost $80 on Garvical for my father's myasthenia gravis that is in a severe state, can't hardly breathe, eyes droopy, sees double, loss of muscle stamina in neck and jaw. Should have googled the company first and would have found SCAM!! I ordered on 11/24/09 and still haven't got order on 12/16/09. I emailed their so-called shipment status all is says it shipped. My order was coming from inside the US in N Carolina. I thought this was legit because we were on the Mayo Clinic website looking up the disease and the links to these (there were 3 other products advertised)were right there on the clinic's site. Ridiculous!! I will call CCNOW tomorrow and threaten with the credit card company. They already charged it to my card quickly. Thanks for this blog, just too late on my part, but good lesson learned.

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