(This is the fifth -but most important- part of a series. Here are part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
Let's just imagine that you have devised a few bogus potions -so-called herbal supplements as "guaranteed treatment" for almost 300 diseases and conditions from dandruff to cancer. And let's just say that too many people are skeptical or leery so maybe you make some money, but not quite the millions you expected. And suppose this isn't quite good enough for you? You still want to sell MORE snakeoil and rake in more dollars from unsuspecting sick people. But finding new diseases to claim to treat/cure is difficult, because eventually, someone twigs and puts out the alert. How do you one-up yourself in those circumstances, and market your snakeoil to a wider population?
Simple: You create a bogus 'society', have it do comparisons of your bogus product against one or two other bogus products with a recommendation to always buy your product. Here's the kicker: The other bogus products are also owned by you, but sold by a different set of bogus websites. So the bogus society can recommend any one of them, and you get the cash anyway.
Yes. You create two or three so called 'guaranteed treatments' for the SAME condition, market each one under a different bogus website and then set up a bogus "independent institute" to compare them all against each other, and then to "objectively" recommend one of them!
It's pure genius. GENIUS!
Because no matter which bogus product the unsuspecting sick person chooses through your bogus "research institute" YOU get the (real) money. Because let's face it: in this scenario, the only thing that is real is the money people lose. And maybe they lose real time and real health. While the owners of the bogus products and websites are laughing all the way to the (real) bank.
It's a rather sickening kind of genius, actually. Completely Evil Genius, in fact. I think I have found the Frankenstein's monster of the Internet..
Remember how I said that Oslo health Solutions had over 280 websites registered, but I had only found about 60 of them? Well, I think I have found the other 220. And 295 from another site. And maybe another few hundred elsewhere. I physically can't count them all!
So here is how it works: Let's say that I am looking for a cure for Syringomyelia
(which is where I started with all this stuff, let's stick with what we
know, here). Syringomyelia (SM) is a
potentially devastating and excrutiatingly painful degenerative condition of the spinal
cord. It is really difficult to treat,
and many myths abound, which means that many doctors "don't believe in" the pain of it. So many people
with SM have a hard time finding real help. Or they may not have insurance. So
say I am in this position and I find
this site, run by The Society for the Promotion of Alternative Health (SPAH
-and I don't think those particular initials are an accident BTW), claiming to
compare three available natural alternatives.
So we read this, and my options are:
Omiglatex, which is marketed by Botanical Sources (BS). Omiglatex (and all the Botanical Sources products that I have checked) tries to claim a connection with the Mayo Clinic, just because Mayo once said something like plants are a good source of drugs (Duh! Most commercial drugs come from plants!). But other than that, BS makes few direct claims of its own, except for a money back guarantee and 100% natural ingredients.
take our word for it and use Omiglatex for a few days. You will begin to
experience incremental long term changes. If you don't, we pledge to refund you
in full, including delivery charges under our full no-questions-asked refund
policy. This guarantee is valid for 60 days from the date of purchase allowing
enough time for you to experience results with Omiglatex.
That sounds stunningly familiar, doesnt' it?
I love the ingredients list for Omiglatex, which include our old friend Nux Vomica (better known as Strychnine or "rat poison" here in the States); Coral calcium; Indian Rennett, a herb which is used to coagulate ...stuff and wattle bark, an old Indian herbal remedy for premature ejaculation
What does all this have to do with treating brain fog, constant burning nerve pain, paralysis and incontinence? Dunno. I suspect nothing at all.
So I checked out the next option on the list: Syrotab.
Yes. Our old friend from Oslo Health Solutions.
Nuff said about that. It's a proven scam...
Mignitin seems to be a little different.
It is from Berlin Homeo Products in ...well, Berlin and is a hemopathic treatment for Syringomyelia "The amazing 100% guaranteed treatment for Syringomyelia that is bound to leave you amazed!" (It surely will! You will be amazed that you paid money for this shite!)
Ant they have testimonials!
"All I can say is amazing! I was about to give up after trying so many products." - Jessie - California
AND they accept PayPal! Aren't they nice?
I'm sot too sure about the color scheme, or the picture of something that looks like the bastard love child between a feather duster and a lichen.
Mignitin lists its ingredients too. You know, I have to LOVE these people for their consistency. They may change the colors and pictures around, but they always have almost exactly the same layout and links and very similar wording.
Here are the ingredients
Ingredient Name Dilution
Sepia D3+30C
Aesculus D1+10C
Cimicifug D1+10C
Calc fluor D6+60C
Baryta carb D6+60C
Rhus tox D1+10C
Kali carb D1+100C
Sepia = cuttlefish ink
Aesculus = california horse-chestnut
Cimicifug... I think this is Cimicifuga Racemosa, which is Black Cohosh and sometimes used to treat menopause and some muscle (not nerve) pain
Calc fluor = calcium flouride. -Used for "hard, stony glands" and a host of other stuff in the Quack Bible, my favorite being "threatened apoplexy"
Baryta Carb = Baryta Carbonica "This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward mentally and physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop, have scrofulous ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily, and then Always have swollen tonsils. Persons subject to quinsy... (WTF is quinsy? Ah. It is Peritonsillar abscess (PTA). I prefer quinsy)...
Rhus tox = Rhus toxicodendron AKA poison ivy!
"Mignitin's composition is 100% safe and all its ingredients are purely natural and free from any side effects."
Kali carb = Kali Carbonicum and... oh hey! I love this I found it on a homeopathic site: patient can broadly be described as compulsive - rigidly adhering to a code of ethics and rules. It is very difficult for the patient to express feelings and he exercises strong control over his emotions. Duty is one of the most important concepts for the Kali Carbonicum constitutional type. He will not park in a yellow zone. He will always return to a shop to give back change if he was given too much. He sees things in black and white. The patient is often very stoical. He neither complains about (nor notices) the stress he is under until the situation is very severe indeed. Things outside his control are very upsetting.
That sounds rather like a description of an Aspie to me...
Bus OSM, I hear you say, Maybe it is a co-incidence? Maybe only the Syringomyelia treatments are bogus. Because I am so desperate for help, I want to believe! Well, I am nothing if not thorough when it comes to this stuff, so I checked out options for a few more conditions.
Leukemia i.e. cancer of the blood -all types apparently treated by one product from each of these companies.
Leukotab - from Oslo Health Solutions
Kemitin - from Berlin Homeo Products (The amazing 100% guaranteed treatment for Leukemia that is bound to leave you amazed! Yeah. Amazed you're DEAD!)
Multiple System Atrophy -a gradual and fatal shutdown of the body's autonomic system. Usually fatal within two years of diagnosis.
Alpharax - from Botanical sources
Atrotab - from Olso Health Solutio... ...uh-OH! Typo! Atrotab is actually (allegedly) for optic atrophy. Atrophtab is for MSA. That's a big mistake if you are running a legitimate service, but a simple one if you are running a SCAM! Those two actually use different formulations, you see. Like that makes a difference! I'm sure they are both completely bogus.
Porphotin (from Berlin Homeo Products) -contains Arsenic. Nice!
Niprotax -from Botanical sources
Parkotab -from Oslo Health Solutions
Parkotin -from Berlin Homeo Products (site currently unavailable)
Dystratax (from Botanical Sources)
MD-tab (from Oslo Health Solutions)
Laritin from Berlin Homeo Products
Do you see the pattern? A product that end in "x" from Botanical Sources, then a product that ends in "tab" from Oslo Health Solutions, and lastly a product that ends in "tin" from Berlin Homeo products. The full list of SPAH websites and the diseases for which they claim to present "treatment options" is below. There are 295 of them.
295 x 2 or 3 (we'll call it 2½) = approximately 737 bogus products. And I thought 60 was a lot!
SPAH claims to have no affiliation with the products mentioned. Of course they claim that! This is perfectly in keeping with Rule #1 of scams: Lie Big.
I did some searches on Botanical Sources and on Berlin Homeo Products. I couldn't find much about them. They claim to be based out of Rome and Berlin.
Here is the contact info, which is probably meaningless.
Botanical Sources
Via Canova 24, Suite # NR 320
Roma 00186
The Berlin Homeo Products (BHP) stuff I know even less about.
Berlin Homeo
Markgrafenstr. 56, Suite 110
Berlin, 10117
The websites I checked are registered to Botanical Sources or Berlin Homeo Products as appropriate. But all of their sites that I have checked look identical for each organization. The BHP sites even have the same picture of the feather duster/ lichen cross, and the exact same testimonials from the same people, regardless of the disease claimed to treat. Did it just happen that 200+ people called "Mark" in NY, 200+ called "Jessie" in CA and 200+ people called Betty in Florida just happened to contact them and say the exact same thing about 200+ different products?
Yep. You immediately notice that the design is about identical to all the Berlin Homeo Products sites
...but hold on second... That woman looks like... she IS! It's my old friend: Vacant Biracial woman from most of the Oslo Health Solutions sites!
Not only that, she is right there
with her buddies, Mr Serious and Mr Trying to look Sincere (who is still trying to look sincere!). They are the same people! Wow! What a total co-incidence that MAK International, Oslo Health Solutions and Berlin Homeo
Products use exactly the same web designers or models.
Here is their information (I got it off their website, so it is public domain.)
Name: Mustafa Arif
Position: CEO
Born: Manchester, UK (1979)
Imperial College, London
CCNA - Cisco - year 2000
Implementing the marketing solutions
devised for clients.
Mustafa has been involved in
internet marketing for the last eight years since 1998. He has seen the market
evolve over the years.
Core Expertise:
- Search Engine Promotion
- Link Building
- Paid Inclusions
- CPC Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Ad Networking
Name: Kashif Arif
Position: Customer Liaison Officer
Born: Manchester, UK (1978)
BENG Electronic Systems Engineering
UMIST, Manchester
Liaising with clients providing them
pre-sales support. Understanding the client's needs and devising marketing
plans according to the client's business type.
Kashif held a similar position in
Pace Technologies in Cambridge, one of the world's largest producers of digital
satellite decoding devices. He was responsible for negotiating contracts for
Pace's clients all over the world.
Core Expertise:
- Negotiating contracts
- Devising marketing plans in lieu of the client's needs
and budget
Sales Enquiries: [email protected]
Existing Clients: [email protected]
Office Address
2nd Floor - 33 Block Z (Commercial)
Defense Housing Authority (DHA)
Lahore 54792
While I was researching all this, I must say the Botanical Sources link (or lack thereof) was bothering me. I was having a hard time directly connecting BS with the other three. But something was bugging me: something that I knew was there, but I was missing. Then I realized what it was:
The logos.
More specifically, the little leafy or swirly things that is used in every logo. There are always two, usually in complementary tones, and they usually look like leaves or a Pieces or ying/yang symbol. Check out the leafy things and the "product shots" used by Botanical Sources and OSH
Botanical Sources
And these from Oslo Health Solutions. The are not alike at all. Are they?
And we have some more from OSH, this time the "Pisces" version..
I like how Ejucatab has both 'Pices' and 'Leafy thingys'
Berlin Homeo Products (BHP) change the pattern a little. More abstract leaves and this time they change in size, not colour. (way to mix it up!)
And of course, MAK International:
You know, I found this little dot thingy on the corner of all the MAK International pages, but I don't have the right skills/software to blow it up properly. It looks intriguingly like it could be an amalgam of some of the other logos. The colors are certainly correct.
If this turns out to be the case, that wouldn't surprise me in the least. These people seem to like their little inside jokes: "Murakab" -which is an Islamic term meaning "complex ignorance" as an ingredient in many of their products; The fact that initials of Society for the Promotion of Alternative Health make the word "SPAH" (think English accent) and the wee dot thingy all point to a rather ignoble disregard for their target market: i.e. sick people and their families.
The funniest joke of all is this: The Society for the Promotion of Alternative Health, -although is doesn't claim directly to be a registered charity or non-profit agency ...ACCEPTS DONATIONS
"SPAH is a donor based organization. It accepts donations from only two sources; volunteering professionals who dedicate their time to the activities of SPAH and secondly from individuals who out of their own will want to donate to SPAH's cause as a result of benefiting from of its sponsored initiatives. It is not possible for us to accept any other kind of donations in order to ensure minimal outside influence on the organization's work."
Below is the (new) Grand List of conditions these guys claim to treat. it is rather an eye-opener. If you have any of the conditions below, or know anyone who has them, please spread the word about this dreadful scam. I am not saying this to get more hits on OSM. In fact, I didn't even want to publish this myself (I have some concerns about potential recriminations from the Arif boys). But the one person I know in De Meeja hasn't gotten back to me, and I feel the word needs to get out there. People need to be protected. Please post the link to this story to listservs, forums, messageboards or groups for any of these diseases that you might belong to. A scam only works when it is secret. If we generate enough exposure about MAK International, we can be sure they can profit no more from the misery of others.
I warn you to be sure your anti-virus and anti spyware software is all up-to-date before you click on any of the links because (this was taken from one of the SPAH sites)
Passive Information Collection
So having been fairly warned, please do check this out. it is quite mind-boggling.
Adhesions |
Nigricans |
Achlasia |
Acrocyanosis |
Broncitis |
Adenopathy |
Adhd |
Adrenoleukodystrophy |
Agalactia |
Macular Degeneration |
Alkaptonuria |
rhinitis |
Alopecia |
ameloblastoma |
Amenorrhea |
Amlyoidosis |
Angina |
Anginoedema |
Angionma |
Spondylitis |
Fistula |
Syndrome |
Pruritus |
cysts |
stenosis |
Ascites |
Asthma |
Atelectasis |
Atherosclerosis |
foot |
Atrialfibrillation |
Hemolytic Anemia |
Azospermia |
Syndrome |
palsy |
essential blaphasospasm |
essential tremor |
Blepharitis |
Blisters |
in the Semen |
and Joint Tuberculosis |
Degeneration |
Disease |
Bradycardia |
odor |
Bromhidrosis |
Bronchiectasis |
Bulima |
pemphigoid |
mouth syndrome |
sore |
Carbunkles |
syndrome |
Cardiomyopathy |
Cataract |
Cellulitis |
palsy |
Syndrome |
spine ( i.e. "neck"!) |
Spondylosis |
Cervicitis |
Cheilitis |
Chloracne |
Patellae |
Chordoma |
Headache |
Condyloma |
Heart Failure |
Constipation |
syndrome |
disease |
Vomiting Syndrome |
Dandruff |
Circles |
Venous Thrombosis |
Ejaculation |
tendinitis |
Dermatomyositis |
Insipidus |
Disease |
Drematofibroma |
Drooling |
Induced Liver Disease |
Uterine Bleeding |
Dyshidrosis |
Dyspepsia |
Eczema |
syndrome (EDS) |
emphysema |
Tonsils |
Eosinophilia |
Epididymitis |
Erysipelas |
multiforme |
Erythroderma |
Erythromelalgia |
ptosis |
Disease |
liver |
of Breast |
Breast Disease |
Flatulence |
Folliculitis |
poisoning |
Ataxia |
Frostbite |
shoulder |
cyst |
Gastritis |
paresis |
Syndrome |
Gingivitis |
Glaucoma |
hystericus |
Neuralgia |
Gonorrhea |
annulare |
disease |
Disease |
Syndrome |
gynecomastia |
tremors |
loss |
(what, no Pileen?) |
Hemangioma |
Fructose Intolerence |
Hernias |
Simplex and Zoster |
dermatitis |
Suppurativa |
Hives |
Hookworm |
Syndrome |
Hydrocele |
hydrocephalus |
Hydronephrosis |
Hyperhidrosis |
Hypertension |
retinopathy |
Hypotension |
Hysteria |
Ichthyosis |
Thrombocytopenic Purpura |
Nephropathy |
Impetigo |
body myositis (IBM) |
Cholestasis of Pregnancy |
Bowel Syndrome |
itch |
Keloids |
Keratoacanthoma |
ulcers |
Gastaut Syndrome |
Leukemia |
Planus |
Simplex Chronicus |
Lipoma |
cirrhosis |
cyst |
back pain |
Lymphadenitis |
Malabsorption |
Infertility |
Mastitis |
Melasma |
Disease |
Menorrhagia |
Retardation (Grrrrr) |
Contagiosum |
Neuron Disease |
System Athrophy |
Dystrophy |
Fasciculation |
Gravis |
Myelitis |
Myocarditis |
degeneration |
Narcolepsy |
Polyps (Note Correct Spelling) |
Syndrome |
neutropenia |
Obesity |
atrophy |
necrosis |
Osteomyelitis |
Osteoporosis |
media |
Pancreatitis |
Urtucaria |
Parkinsonism |
Tachycardia |
Inflammatory Disease |
Pemphigus |
penumothorax |
ulcer |
Periodontitis |
Neuropathy |
Disease |
Pharangitis |
photodermatitis |
Photosensitivity |
Disease |
Alba |
Roseca |
Rubra |
Pneumothorax |
Kidney Disease |
Vera |
rheumatica (PMR) |
Polyps |
(All 6 kinds?) |
syndrome |
Syndrome |
Syndrome |
puberty |
(pregnancy complication) |
Gray Hair |
Ulcer |
Priapism |
heat |
Prostatitis |
Ani |
Cerebri |
Syndrome |
prolapse |
Artery Stenosis |
Failure |
Leg Syndrome |
Vein Occlusion |
Pigmentosa |
Arthritis |
Ringworm |
Rosacea |
Duct Stones |
Scabies |
Schistosomiasis |
(now that is dangerous!) |
Sciatica |
Scleroderma |
Cyst |
Keratosis |
Teeth |
Shingles |
Sinus Syndrome |
Tachycardia |
Syndrome |
Abscess |
Tags |
Tissue Sarcomas |
Dysphonia |
Veins |
Muscular Atrophy |
(...REALLY?) |
(check the privacy policy) |
Syphilis |
Syringomyelia |
troubles |
Joint Syndrome |
Tetanus |
minor |
Thrombocythemia |
Nodule |
Thyroiditis |
Bite |
Tinea |
Versicolor |
Tinnitus |
Neuralgia |
Trimethylaminuria |
Colitis |
Testicle |
Gastrointestinal Bleeding |
Urethritis |
Pigmentosa |
Fibroids |
Prolapse |
Uveitis |
Hemorrhage |
Cord Nodules |
Cord Paralysis |
Willebrand Disease |
Vulvovaginitis |
Dystrophy |
Macroglobulinemia |
Warts |
Disease |
Aldrich Syndrome |
(Look Ma! I found the template!) |
Many of these conditions are relatively benign or harmless. However, some are serious conditions: MSA, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Muscular Dystrophy, Syringomyelia, Ascites, Stroke, Pseudotumor Cerebri, renal failure, leukemia
Some are targeted at pregnant women (preeclampsia, Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy),
Some at babies (teething, prickly heat)
And some are just evil (Mental retardation, schizophrenia, gonorrhea, syphilis)
Please spread the word and help shut these people down.
NOTE: Special thanks to a reader, Kathryn who first sussed the SPAH connection.
Is there anyone is position of authority we can contact to try to get these guys shut down globally? or is it just too big and too much of a fantom company?
Posted by: Mary Beth Schneggenburger | July 26, 2009 at 01:25 PM
I came to your site as a recommendation and I have to say what I just read here is amazing. Thanks for all the work that you put in this. I have MS and I was told to try some alternative medications, but after reading this article you have open my eyes to the scams that are out there. I agree with Mary Beth's post that we need to shut these guys down before someone takes this stuff and turns for the worst.
Posted by: Dogman2 | July 27, 2009 at 11:31 AM
Mary Beth,
I would dearly love to shut these guys down. However, it seems to be a bit tricky to accomplish as they are have operations in at least 5 countries (Italy, England, Norway, Germany and Pakistan) that I know, and the laws and regulations on this stuff is tricky.
Dietary supplements and alternative medicine is not regulated in many places, and I wonder if the "buyer beware" rule applies in many of these counties because for most of the products, the ingredients are listed on the site? The theory here is that if you freely buy hairballs and rat poison from them to to treat Parkinson's (yes those are two listed ingredients in Parkotab), do you have much recourse through the law -especially across borders? If you are in the States and buy from a company who claims to be from Norway but ships product from Pakistan;, to which authority do you turn? Who has jurisdiction in this scenario? And many of us are dealing with our own illness and issues and don't have the resources to find out. It is all very murky.
Not all alternative medicine is bad, not all supplements are bad, and not all internet merchants are con artists (but these ones definitely are!).
I do recommend that if you are going to go the alternative route, you do it through a licensed practicioner, preferably one who comes highly recommended by someone you know, and that you research the bejeekers out of EVERYTHING before you try it.
Good luck with finding treatment.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | July 27, 2009 at 01:29 PM
Fascinating stuff!!!
I note that their FAQ file always referes to "Skin Abcesses" - a rare lapse in their ability to make each site look unique.
I'd love it if they could be prosecuted under the laws of Pakistan (better yet under Sharia - Islamic Law) - might end up losing their typing hands.
Posted by: Tim Murphy | July 30, 2009 at 10:03 AM
Thanks for pointing that out. I missed that!
Interesting point about Islamic law. I will check it out.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | July 30, 2009 at 12:56 PM
It's disgusting! I have vocal cord paralysis and I am desperately looking for a cure...found the site but senced something was wrong just in time...
I have no words for what these people are doing...giving false hope to terminally ill people etc. , scandalous...My sence of humour first took over but realising that they trick deadly ill people into this is preposterous...
Posted by: kitty stubbe | September 26, 2009 at 06:08 PM
I'm just curious to know your opinion on an herbal product that has 3 US Patents, 20 major universities doing independantly financed studies on it and peer review published in prestigious medical journals? If you don't think that such a product exists or is a scam, please check out the web address (link removed)
I would appreciate your opinion (for curiosity's sake). I am a distributor of this product and have my own testimony of it. Thank you very much, have a great day!!
Posted by: Jeremy Bernsdorff | October 28, 2009 at 08:17 PM
Sorry, here's the working address:
(link removed)
Don't hesitate to at least look at this site. If you doubt the validity of it, I can send you peer review studies you can take to ANY doctor.
Please e-mail me if you'd like the peer review:
Thank you very much, have a wonderful day!!
Posted by: Jeremy Bernsdorff | October 28, 2009 at 08:21 PM
One more thing. Being a distributor, I cannot make claims. But the US Government awarded 3 patents on this product. If you're curious to see what the most recent patent says regarding the health benefits and which illnesses they find this product useful to prevent/treat, then go to the following address.
(links removed)
Okay, enough outta me. I hope everyone is able to find the treatment that works for them!!
Posted by: Jeremy Bernsdorff | October 28, 2009 at 08:48 PM
Thanks for reaching out to advertise your product on OSM. I will leave your comments here for the moment, with a note to my readers that I don't endorse the product or any claims pertaining to it at all.
I had a look at your site and there is no study. There is a study on MICE, but I don't have whiskers and a tail.
I have eight words for you:
Large-scale, double-blind peer-reviewed human study.
After you produce that, I'll read it and offer an opinion.
In the meantime, if I ever find myself caring for a sick mouse, you'll be the second person I call.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | October 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM
Fair enough. Thank you very much for at least looking. Have a great day!
Posted by: Jeremy Bernsdorff | October 28, 2009 at 11:44 PM
You sound disappointed. I think you must have mistaken me for someone gullible. Or for someone who gives a shit about companies who want to make a profit off of sick people (you really should read some more of my work. Start under the heading "scams").
So we have established there are no human studies for this stuff you are trying to sell. Yet I assume it is already on the market -untested- at inflated prices?
Patents mean nothing, BTW. Any eejit can take out a patent or three. I particularly like US #6637447; the "Beerbrella", which was designed to keep the sun off your beer.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | October 29, 2009 at 01:09 AM
No, my disappointment stems from your lack of research. Here's one example I found very quickly.
(link removed)
Posted by: Jeremy Bernsdorff | October 29, 2009 at 11:52 PM
So do some SERIOUS research about this like you do the other "scams". Tell me what you find. Both negative AND positive!
Posted by: Jeremy Bernsdorff | October 29, 2009 at 11:58 PM
So now you are trying to sell me on an article that was written by a marketing/ public relations guy who's short bio goes like this
"I work with small business & network marketers and share with them how to utilize social media marketing to enhance credibility, visibility and profitability while decreasing their current marketing and advertising costs."
(an expert on medical research, then. No?)
AND his little sales pitch ...um "article" is based on the same MOUSE study, on which you already know my opinion.
But you're right. I need more research. So I researched him a little more. What's his main business? He sells this stuff too, just like you do. So I hardly think anything he writes on the subject is exactly objective and unbiased.
(link removed)
Is he a friend of yours, by any chance?
I research research, not testimonials, marketing or biased opinions. And the studies aren't there. Period.
You can try all you like to goad me into writing an article about your little product, but it's not going to happen.
Now, unless you have that large-scale double blind, peer-reviewed human study that I requested; please go away and stop wasting my time.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | October 30, 2009 at 01:18 AM
I was wondering about this guy and his persistent and spiraling craziness. Then I woke up just now and I realized...
It's a full moon right about now.
I always -without fail- get at least one nutter bugging me when the moon waxes (but they usually e-mail).
It's not called "lunacy" for nothing.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | October 30, 2009 at 06:48 AM
Read this after you posted in LSG. OSM, this is some great research. One thing you might want to do is contact the BBC consumer programme Watchdog. I would think that it would be something that would interest them, especially as you've done so much of the hard work for them.
Posted by: Emma in France | October 30, 2009 at 09:27 AM
This is a very interesting site. One thing other people might find mildly interesting- I can't take credit for this as it was suggested by a scientifically-minded friend- is that many illnesses go into sudden unexplained remission. This can happen with a lot of cancers, for example.
So if a desperate individual is using a spurious remedy at the time, they will (totally understandably) link a sudden recovery with the 'drug'. I imagine this is where a lot of testimonials come from. There will always be just enough coincidental recoveries with any random item to gather together a very convincing case for the item, even when the writers of them were acting in sincere good faith.
As for the manufacturers, it would be great if some people creating useless and irrelevent remedies would see how much damage their work causes and blow the whistle on some of their practises. It does almost seem as if some of these remedies have become a kind of new religion of sorts.
If people were better educated about the chemical properties of these items it would do a lot of good. It's a pity there's so little reliable unbiased research on DIY remedies and the chemical properties and effects: it would sort out the plausible from the spurious and save people a lot of wasted time and worry.
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000023322801 | October 30, 2009 at 01:58 PM
Thanks. I contacted watchdog, but never heard back. I never followed up, either so it's probably my fault.
That is a good point and one of the reasons they have controlled studies for stuff like this where people don't know if they are getting the medication or a sugar pill.
There is a placebo effect, with is well documented. Also you are right, for some people there could be a co-incidental improvement in their condition.
You are right that the manufacturers. What burns me is they put it *right out* there that many of the products contain things like mercury (only they call it "cinnabar" -sounds nicer, right?) Strychnine (strychnos nuxvomica), and arsenic (arsenic). These are listed on many of the websites. But most people don't do the research, instead trusting blindly that *somebody* has vetted these scammers or they wouldnt' be in business.
But nobody has.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | October 30, 2009 at 11:15 PM
I just glanced over this site. I try to read PubMed and other articles about new discoveries (such as the one where curcumin can help reduce resistance to some cancer drugs but in other cancer drugs, it may do the reverse).
I believe in vitamins, herbs and other nutrients but have always been very scared of homeopathy...now I'm terrified!
When chemo isn't working to rid a recurring sarcoma (I'm not EVEN going to go into how painful, expensive and and just plain damned inconvenient this illness has been....not to mention ER visits from some of the chemo drugs), let's just say I'm well-motivated to find something to alleviate symptoms and boost chemotherapy's effect on this cancer.
You can only continue to lose so much flesh and bone and have your blood counts knocked down with doxorubicin, Ifosfamide and other nasty drugs. The heart damage is eventually going to take precedence over the disease.
Thanks for helping to sort through the bullshit (cancer already leaves a person broke) remedies but I encourage doctors and researchers to keep searching for what helps the patient and what helps the medicines work!
Posted by: Surviving Soft Tissue Sarcoma | December 22, 2009 at 03:36 PM
Hi, First I'd like to say great job, and thank you on behalf of all the people you have helped and those you will help in the future to avoid being taken advantage of and possibly being harmed by the scum that steal from the sick and injured.
I went on google maps and checked the addresses for Botanical Sources and Berlin Homeo Products, and they both are, GET THIS...
Mailboxes Etc. locations!
Seriously? Surely these manufacturers of MIRACLE CURES would have their own mailing address...unless they aren't really legitimate businesses...right???
OK, I think these people are lower than scum, I think they would steal milk from a baby if they could sell it to desperate sick people.
Again--great site :-)
Posted by: Veronica | January 08, 2010 at 01:00 PM
Great site! Thanks for all your hard work.
If you ever get around to it, check out what you can on light therapy. I see some claims (like large well-known manufacturers) that it works and then I see other sites (usually homeopathic) ones trying to sell a knock-off with a 100% money back guarantee. I am a member of a sleep disorder board and i have referenced your site to them a couple of times (people mentioning cures for apnea and narcolepsy). I have idiopathic hypersomnia and possible a delayed circadian system issue. So I am always looking for ways to do something to wake up! I am sure there are others out there like me.
Thanks again for a well documented and great site. And thanks again for all your hard work. I hope a treatment comes available that will make your life better.
Posted by: Lisa | March 12, 2010 at 01:11 AM
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.
I add light therapy to the list of things I need to explore when I am feeling a bit better.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | March 12, 2010 at 06:48 AM
How can I be sure that you are nopt a scam?
Posted by: Eric Bourne | April 05, 2010 at 10:09 AM
You cant.
But I am selling nothing and there are no advertisements here on OSM as a matter of policy.
So what exactly do you think I might be trying to scam you out of? The time it took you to read this piece? (yeah. Like thats going to get me a mansion in Southhampton).
Posted by: One Sick Mother | April 05, 2010 at 10:17 AM