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July 19, 2009


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You can't go wrong with the Russians! The intensity and passion with which the 19th century Russian authors wrote is unparalleled. I'm not a fan of Ayn Rand, and Atlas Shrugged is my least favorite of her works, but We the Living is well worth the read.

As for the Bronte siblings, I prefer Emily above them all and will argue until my dying day that Wuthering Heights is the best novel written in the English language. I didn't really care for Shirly much, either; however, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is very good once you put it in its proper perspective. The novel is Anne's way of relating the misery of their brother Branwell's alcoholism and the toll it took on their lives.

If you'd like to add some really great Victorian novels to your list, may I suggest Middlemarch by George Eliot, anything by Anthony Trollope, Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy (Tess of the D'Urbervilles is good as well). I should probably stop before you end up regretting tossing up a post about literature knowing that a lit prof would read it, LOL! :)

Oh, and Joe is much better behaved about HP than I am. My family won't watch one of the films with me until they have seen it without me the first time because I can't help but point out the missing parts and then enumerating why they are so important to the plot of the next book in the sequence. Yay for Joe!

Quirky Mom

The order is totally important. Sometimes I can't even start a new book without a gap because I'm just so invested in the one I just finished. I hope you make it back to Wildfell Hall, though, because it's worth the read.


To continue the harangue I started on your birthday (sorry 'bout that) . . . I also enjoy stories about independent women, and have no personal problem with Ayn Rand.

But so many people in power these days seem to have rationalized their immorality with the Randian cry for self interest at the expense of social good, that she seems like an advocate for corruption to me.

Carleen and I are about to enter a Bronte death match. I would argue that Charlotte is the greatest literary Bronte ever and that Jane Eyre is the best written novel in ANY language . . . HA!

I've re-read Jane Eyre every few years since childhood and always discover something new as I mature into the story. . . heaven!

One Sick Mother


LOL I am always happy to receive your input. Thanks for the suggestions. They are always welcome.

I agree with you about Emily Bronte (Sorry Wynda) and Wuthering Heights is my favouritist book. I have owned many copies of it over the years, and it is always the first replaced if I lose my books (like in an international move). My second favorite is anything by JRR Tolkien, particularly LOTR, because I love how he writes, love fantasy and I am firmly convinced that he was an Aspie. (I wonder the same thing about Emily Bronte too, come to think of it).

There are many great books not on my reading list. This is because I have read them already.

...and I have made a mental note not to watch the next two HP movies with you for the first time ;)


I will have to step over to Wildfell hall, but I fully intend to read it.


'twsn't a harangue, and I am always happy to talk to you , even if you are nagging me ;).

I do see your point about people using her books as an excuse for bad behaviour. It is funny because I see both sides: Before I became disabled, I was very much a high achiever. Then I suddenly ...wasn't. So yeah, the social need is much more important to me now (funny how that works!)



Anna Karenina is my all time favorite! I never saw the movie or mini-series that you wrote of and since I truly enjoyed the book so much, I'm not sure I should -- how could I not be disappointed? Anyway, Just wanted to write a quick post and tell you that you continue to inspire...I've got to make a list myself! Be blessed, Kim

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