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August 01, 2009


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Elizabeth Dracopoulos

Funny you should query this site. I was researching blepharitis (eye problem) and found three products all with amazing claims - Australia, NZ and Denmark but none of the companies including the Healing Plants Ltd mob (product Phalnofax) have a telephone contact. Email only - I thought, correct me if I am wrong, that some trading law requires a telephone contact has to be on site where money/goods transactions are effected. Who investigates this kind of stuff?

One Sick Mother


I am not sure what are the local trading regulations for Australia (or any of the other countries). I have complained to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) several times about Healing Plants Ltd, and basically been told to shut up.

I am not sure why this is. It could be because I am not an Australian citizen or resident or because the case may be a little complicated for their delicate sensibilities. I just know I got nowhere.

However -in their defence- they at least responded to me, which is more than the NZ or Danish authorities did.


Leigh farquhar

Oh Boy ! did I find you too late ! I have Fibomyalgia rheumatica , and the constant pain was getting me down ( unable to take prednisalone) . I found HP , wish I hadnt ! have parted with my cash, they arrived in a dirty envelope, with dirty cotton wool from PAKISTAN!! I think NOT I wont be touching them . Am going to try to get my money back wish me luck



just saved me $100 odd thank you and there is only one herbal treatment not necasarily legal in australia but hey any excuse to get stoned ay mate


Oh, no...looks like i'm going to be ripped off!!! I ordered dunofax for vocal chord nodules...oh dear, wish I read this blog earlier.

Elizabeth Dracopoulos

I forgot I posted a comment on this website. I think maybe it is the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) a department of the Australian Government who handles complaints about dodgy products though I think you have to suffer some kind of problem from either taking them or maybe receiving a dirty parcel with tablets from Pakistan would be something they would look at. So, Leigh, try and get your money to Consumer Affairs as well and consider reporting the matter to the TGA website Good luck.


Ironically I discovered that these guys were a scam before finding this blog. My father has atrial fibrillation and he passes everything through me as a sort of filter. He gave me three websites and I realized pretty quickly that this one was a scam. Their atronax and sebnofax products list a lot of herbs, the descriptions for each come mostly from wikipedia. One came from a wiccan encyclopedia. I noticed that a couple had a lot of � symbols which meant they were copied and pasted while others had none. It was the second thing that raised my suspicions (the first being that their money back guarantee didn't require sending unused portions of product back).

Anyway another site I am looking at for my father is Wish me luck!

One Sick Mother


Contact your credit card company and aske them to intervene.

Thanks for that information.

Rillical is a scam:

And -just to save you the research- so is flemeton:



thank you for alerting other people i was about to order the product but what supriced me is their testimomy non of the people are not having a story to tell

Louise Buckley

Yes im one of the suckers that got ripped off with this scam. I have suffered from Achlasia for 10yrs now, i was so excited when i heard a cure for this disease i just had to have these herb(salt tablets)i couldnt sleep when i found out i was so excited i was going to have a normal life again. Now im in tears that im going to suffer with Achlasia till the day i die. These bastards of a company should be shot. Thanks to your web site for the warning. I have asked for my money back, good luck on that one. I had to cancel my credit card. What a headache. Thanks again. Louise, Qld , Australia

One Sick Mother


It is stories like yours that break my heart and almost make me feel guilty for exposing these scams because of the hope that gets dashed whenever somebody reads them.

I do hope you get your money back. And please dont stop looking for treatment and relief.  Watch the legitimate research. A treatment may yet be found.



dear friends.
do any one know that this site is a scam

I hope to get a respond on my e mail
[email protected]


Thanks, you saved my money


Thanks, Dear This is Gunasekaran from when iam seeing this article i thought to purchase it, Gods Grace by read your article i got saved. thans a lot

Coral Horton

I am still waiting for my product..I will contact the credit card co. to see if they can get my money back..wish I had read the blog first!

Tina Sturges

I am in contact with my credit card company every day to stop a transaction I made for trigical Monday. I am desparate and did a stupid thing. I hope they can stop this order.Trigeminal Neuritis is so painful.

Anton Veenstra

I bought the Flemeton product as I have atrial fibrillation. I don't see myself as a gullible person [lol]. The product took a month to arrive; it was franked Lahore Pakistan. This agrees with people who say the Flemeton site is under a Pakistani ISP. Flemeton has its supposed source as Gordon's Herbal Research Center. The bottle when I got it had NO ingredient weights listed, tho the website listed herbs and their weights. The bottle listed NUX VOMICA and HENBANE as being included. NV is banned for internal use in the US and Australia. I'm demanding a refund, so far no joy.

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