I was re-reading yesterdays post on Towards Natural Health, nit-picking as usual to see what mistakes I had made, or what bits I forgot to mention. I forgot to mention the glossaries on the sites. In addition to the links pages, the glossaries pages are all just part of the window dressing to make these people look earnest and believable. Don't be taken in. They are neither.
And I forgot to mention that both Towards Natural Health addresses listed, although one is supposedly in Scotland and the other is purportedly in Copenhagen, sported the exact same photograph. Here it is. Nice place, isn't it? I would like to go there. I wondered where it is? I knew it isn't Paisley (Paisley, while not a kip, isn't the next Monte Carlo, either), and I was pretty sure it isn't Copenhagen -no need to even e-mail my friends who live there and ask them.
It looked very familiar, wherever it is. That niggled at me.
And then today, when I looked with a clearer head; the penny dropped. Of COURSE that view looked familiar to me! I used to live right near there. I had to laugh. Seriously, I lived a few blocks from where this photo was taken.
It's New York City. a view of the Pan-Am Building (it will never be the Metlife building to me!) and the Chrysler building as taken from the Empire State Building. It has been Photoshopped, the main logo removed and the Chrysler building has been churchified.I can't believe it took me so long to figure that out!
How can anyone PhotoShop the Chrysler Building? Are there no depths to which Towards Natural Heath will stoop?
And another question occurred to me: Is there a single piece of information on their website which is NOT a lie?
Go on: Try and find one. For a laugh...
Geeze, it just gets creepier and creepier... and more and more enraging. As I've said, it's just the desperate folks wasting their money that kills me... when most of us have so very little anyway. There's surely a cold place in hell for these people and I hope they get there very soon - I suspect it's rather like having CRPS, what with the constant burning pain, plus the freezing cold at the same time... yeah, there's an appropriate karma boot for them! To get what they claim they can cure, so they can find out JUST how it feels to hope so desperately for help that you'll pay money for what turns out to be f'in hairballs and salts, or whatever!
Posted by: Lisa Moon | August 09, 2009 at 10:38 PM