Do you know where the expression "Let the cat out of the bag" came from?
Well, it came from the practice in Old England of selling piglets in a bag (i.e. "a pig in a poke") at the market or fair. Sometimes, people would buy a piglet only to find when they got home that the wriggling animal inside the bag was actually a worthless cat. So if you were wise, you would open the bag before you hand over any money and "let the cat out of the bag". That is, you would reveal the scam.
Many pig sellers would leave the pig's tail sticking out of the bag, so you would know it was a piglet and not a cat. However, in a less well-known variation on the old scam, some unscrupulous bastards would cut off the piglets' tails and tie them onto bags, which each contained a cat.
So there was a 'level II' on the pig scam, if you like.
I see Towards Natural Health as a Level II internet scam. They went through all the trouble to cut the tails off the poor piggies. But it is still a freaking scam; albeit a much prettier one than some the previous scams uncovered here on OSM. And keeping in a porcine vein, the expression "putting lipstick on a pig" very much comes to mind here.
Here is an example of one of their sites:
Wait a sec: To get the full impact you have to load it. Click here and come right back
It's really gorgeous lipstick, isn't it? The zooming graphics, the spinning-around globe thingy, the leaves, the starry things, the slick "shick" sound when you roll over a menu item, the persuasive language (although I am never sure what might "suite" me best. A bathroom installed on my ass, perhaps...?), all the links that they post...
But look at those links again. Notice they are all general. There are never specific links to the actual condition for which you seek relief. The links are the pig's tail.
Don't be fooled: It's a scam. They try to cover their asses by saying things like "This particular website is aimed at helping Motor Neuron Disease patients..." I guess if you happen to come across the exact same site for ...say Grave's Disease, or one of the 62 or so other sites that I have found (so far), they think their asses are covered.
Now, unlike SPAH, or Herbal Product Reviews, which are identical scams to this one; Towards Natural Health even has a main site, that goes on about their humanitarian mission to save the world or some such hogwash.
But it is all bullshit. A total and complete scam. A con. A fraud. Please don't waste your time and money on these guys or on any of the products that they recommend.
Here's how I know they are a fraud:
First off, all of the products that they recommend are either by Solutions by Nature, Gordon's Herbal Research Center or Healing Plants, Ltd. ALL of which have been outed here on OSM as scams.
Often, Towards Natural Health (TNH) will recommend the Solutions by Nature Product. Hmmm. I wonder why?
Well, Here is TNH's address, taken from their main site. It is also the address to which all their domains are registered (the ones I checked, anyway). PO Box 2175, Paleagade 7, DK-1231, KBH K, Denmark
Here is Solutions by Nature's Address:
PO Box 2175, Paleagade 7, DK-1231, KBH K, Denmark
Towards Natural solutions does list a different address on some of their sites.
Does that address: 115 Abercorn St, M0013, Paisley, PA3 4AT, Scotland; look familiar to you?
It should.
It is the exact same one as is listed on the domain registration for Herbal Product Reviews, which OSM has previously outed as a scam.
Don't listen to a word that tortoise says.
He is a lying wee bastard.
And he wants to trample your ice cream, apparently.
Now some of you; -the more trusting among you- may be thinking "It can't possibly be a scam! Why would people go through all this trouble for a scam? "
For the same reason that people would mutilate baby pigs. Because it might make them money. These guys OWN all of these fake herbal sites. There are hundreds of them because they are carpet-bombing the "sick people" market with fake solutions in the hope that some of us will be sick or desperate enough to fall for the ploy. They are professional con artists. Scamming people it is what they do, and -judging from the number of e-mails I get from people who were scammed or who narrowly escaped because of this site; -they are pretty good at it.
And maybe there is another reason:
Maybe they like it.
Maybe they have such disdain for people with illness and disabilities, that they get some kind of kick out of messing with our heads and our wallets.
Help though creating awareness? Yes. It's what I plan to do. Thanks for the tagline. It works far better when applied to One Sick Mother than when applied to Towards Natural Health.
Here is the list of TNH scam sites that I have found (updated Sept 6th 2009):
Abdominal Adhesions |
Achlasia |
Actinic Keratosis |
Alopecia |
Atrial Fibrillatin |
Bell's palsy |
Benign essential tremor |
Blepharitis |
Bronchiectasis |
Bullous pemphigoid |
Burning mouth syndrome |
Cellulitis |
Costochrondritis |
Delayed Ejaculation |
Emphysema |
Epididymitis |
Eye Bags |
Flatulence |
Folliculitis |
Ganglion cyst |
Gastroparesis |
Granuloma annulare |
Grave's disease |
Grover's Disease |
Guillain-Barre Syndrome |
Hand tremors |
Hernias |
Hidradenitis Suppurativa |
Hydrocele |
Hyperhidrosis |
Ichthyosis |
Inclusion body myositis (IBM) |
Keloids |
Keratosis Pilaris |
Lichen Planus |
Lipoma |
Melasma |
Motor Neuron Disease |
Myasthenia Gravis |
Myelitis |
Narcolepsy |
Osteomyelitis |
Pemphigus |
Peripheral Neuropathy |
Peyronie's Disease |
Polycystic Kidney Disease |
Polycythemia Vera |
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) |
Porphyria (All 6 kinds?) |
Post-Polio Syndrome |
Premature Gray Hair |
Prickly heat |
Rectal prolapse |
Retinal Vein Occlusion |
Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Scleroderma |
Sebaceous Cyst |
Seborrheic Keratosis |
Sjogrens Syndrome |
Tinea Versicolor |
Trigenimenal Neuralgia |
Urethritis |
Uveitis |
Vocal Cord Nodules |
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia |
NOTE: While compiling this list, I realized that there are many More Solutions By Nature sites than I had found previously. I will update that page when I get a chance. Really, there is too much out here for a single person to track (I bet that is a large part of the plan)
Thank God I came across your website before handing over any money to these con-artists. I'd found half a dozen websites offering herbal treatments 'guaranteed' to help my skin condition granuloma annulare. You've done my wallet a favour - I'll hang on to my hard earned cash!
Posted by: Karen | August 11, 2009 at 03:32 AM
I'm glad you found me before you ordered any of these products.
I get a lot of e-mails from people who had ordered already and *then* found OSM, which makes me sad for them and angry at the con artists.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | August 11, 2009 at 08:53 AM
Thank you are providing such a valuable service to a lot of people struggling with illnesses. To be sick and to be duped by these unscrupulous people providing false hope is doubly sad. I just wanted to offer my thanks for all your efforts and wish you luck in finding your answers.
Posted by: miakajade | December 27, 2009 at 01:07 PM
here's another thank you - i was researching a natural treatment for my hand tremors - thankfully found your page before i ordered! now i'm really sad that these folks were trying to take advantage of my illness....i believe you reap what you sow - these folks are in a world of s**t if that is so....
Posted by: Awolf | May 12, 2010 at 07:50 PM
With all this going one......where can a person
find a truly honest site. I could possibly hav
scleroderma of my hands.
Posted by: Jean Hunter | June 25, 2010 at 07:43 PM