WARNING! This post contains some disturbing images.
Have a look at these three testimonials and tell me if they sound familiar to you:
"Your organization is very professional and thank you for the continued support. This is the first time I have been introduced to homeopathy. I never thought it would work so well." - Betty - Florida
"I can't thank you enough" - Mark - NY
"All I can say is amazing! I was about to give up after trying so many products." - Jessie - California
If you ever visited a Berlin Homeo products site, which looks
like this (all of them) you may recognize these
testimonials. They are identical for every single one of the 280-odd products. So is the photo of the feathery green stuff.
I outed Berlin Homeo Products (BHP) as a scam some time ago, but I never went back and listed all the sites as I usually do. This is because there are so darn MANY of them, and also because I think the owners of BHP are slowly letting it die. Some of the sites have expired, some have already been reassigned. However I have received quite a few hits on them recently, so I reckon some people may yet be taken in. I can't have that.
So I went through the full list of links from my SPAH piece, and then I followed every single link from there -all 1041 of them! And several more, to boot. The list is below.
A few ...um "lowlights" on Berlin Homeo Products:
- They offer Arsenic as one of the ingredients to treat Multiple System Atrophy.
- For Tetanus: They have this to say: No matter how long you have suffered from Tetanus we assure you that with use of Tenastin you will regain your condition faster than any other solution currently available.
Question: Does that also mean faster than conventional medicine? I guess "faster than any other solution" means just that. Otherwise they would say "faster than any other natural remedy" or similar, right? So they are proposing that their treatment is better and faster than conventional medicine.
For Tetanus. Hello?
This from e-medicine: Overall, about 25%-50% of people with generalized tetanus will die. Death occurs within 20-50 days. So if you allow 30 days for delivery (even supposing this shit WORKED, which it won't) -you will likely be dead before it arrives. You certainly won't be in any state to swallow it!
Do these guys think we are completely stupid?
Just for a laugh, let's mine this seam just a tad more: It's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, but let's face it, they more than deserve to have a little fun poked at them. This is how they propose to treat Tetanus. With these remedies. (and yes, most of them are valid homeopathic remedies, but would YOU use a homeopathic remedy for a serious bacterial infection?)
Composition of Tenastin:
Ingredient Name |
Dilution |
Calendula |
off D1 |
Sarsaparilla |
D1 |
Clematis vitalba |
D1 |
Arnica montana |
D3 |
Ruta Graveolens |
D8 |
Mercurius nitrosus |
D8 |
Hamamelis virg |
D2 |
Bellis |
D2 |
Let's explore these treatments. I found explanations on some online homeopathic remedy dictionaries. Let's examine their suitedness for symptoms of Tetanus (source the NY times)
Tetanus often begins with mild spasms in the jaw muscles (lockjaw). The spasms can also affect the chest, neck, back, and abdominal muscles. Back muscle spasms often cause arching, called opisthotonos.
Sometimes the spasms affect muscles that help with breathing, which can lead to breathing problems.
Prolonged muscular action causes sudden, powerful, and painful contractions of muscle groups. This is called tetany. These episodes can cause fractures and muscle tears.
Other symptoms include:
or foot spasms
urination or defecation
...with that in mind, let's look at those ingredients in more detail (I inserted a few comments, in parentheses):
A most remarkable healing agent, applied locally (i.e.
topically). Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc.
Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention. Hemostatic
after tooth extraction. (Fair enough. But does a pulled tooth compare in
severity to generalized tetanus? I don't think so.) Deafness. Catarrhal conditions. Neuroma.
Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Pain is excessive and out of all
proportion to injury (well, yeah, it would be if bacteria are releasing toxins,
which are binding to your central nervous system) .
Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather. Paralysis after apoplexy. Cancer, as an intercurrent remedy. Has remarkable power to produce local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free.
Cold hands.
(so if you are contorted out of all recognition, tearing muscles and fracturing your spine, at least your hands will be toasty! I'm sure this guy would really appreciate that!)
Renal colic; marasmus and periosteal pains due to venereal disease. Eruptions following hot weather and vaccinations; boils, and eczema. Urinary symptoms well marked.
(yeah. that'll help.)
Clematis vitalba
The type of people who can be helped by Clematis vitalba (also called traveler's joy) are those who tend to live in a dream world and take little interest in day-to-day events. Clematis types may be dissatisfied with life and have impractical ideals. Treatment with clematis can stimulate creative potential and thus encourage people to attempt to realize their dreams and become more focused.
(Oh yeah. I can see how that really would help someone with excrutiating full body spasms!)
...wait a minute... No... No. I can't, actually.)
Arnica montana
Produces conditions upon the system quite similar to those resulting from injuries, falls, blows, contusions. Tinnitus aurium. Putrid phenomena. Septic conditions; prophylactic of pus infection. Apoplexy, red,full face. It is especially suited to cases when any injury, however remote, seems to have caused the present trouble. After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains.
Ruta Graveolens
Mercurius nitrosus (took me awhile to find anything on this one. I
think it is not often used. Perhaps this is because Mercury is a known neurotoxin?)
Nitrate of Mercury - especially in pustular
conjunctivitis and keratitis; gonorrhoea and mucous patches, with STICKING
PAINS; syphilides.
Hamamelis virg (I think they mean Hamamelis Virginica)
Venous congestion, hemorrhages, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids, with Bruised soreness of affected parts, seem to be the special sphere of this remedy. Acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. Passive venous hemorrhages from any part. Great value in open, painful wounds
Bellis (I think
this might refer to Perennis Bellis)
It acts upon the muscular fibers of the blood-vessels. Much
muscular soreness. Lameness, as if sprained. Venous congestion, due to
mechanical causes. First remedy in injuries to the deeper tissues, after major
surgical work. Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and
intolerance of cold bathing. After gout, debility of limbs.
Traumatism (is that a word?) of the pelvic organs, auto-traumatism, (um.. "tramatism" by automobile?) expresses the condition
calling for this remedy; ill effects from masturbation. (What? Like punishment for our sins?)
(yeah, you can see this kid would really benefit here).
So you might think the remedies they offer sound like they might be indicated. But it is a matter of degrees. Arnica may be good for little sprains and bruising. I have a friend who swears by it.
However, Tetanus is caused by a bacterial infection. So the Arnica and other homeopathic remedies are there trying to counteract the efffects of the bacteria, while the bacteria themselves are merrily multiplying and causing more and more damage.
But Tenastin is still somehow fastest treatment out there? Ooops! My Bullshit detector just blew a gasket right then.
If you really had tetanus, would you take Arnica over antibiotics? I wouldn't!
All Tenastin will do -if anything, is MAYBE mask a symptom or two. it will do nothing to address the underlying cause (and the sufferer will probably die). But that's OK right? It is
100% Guaranteed!
So if Tenastin fails; i.e. if you DIE, you will get your money back! Yay!
Just remember to assign someone to make the claim while you can still talk!
Seriously: For Berlin Homeo Products to make the claims they do is criminally irresponsible.
In summary, the people behind Berlin Homeo products, -and note they stay well hidden: no names, no phone numbers, no e-mail contact -just an address- are at best, well-meaning losers who will kill someone (and probably have) with their let's use a feather when we really need an earthmover approach to serious disease.
However, having studied scam artists for some time, I am pretty sure they are just common-or-garden scamming scum, and part of a larger network of such scum, which (at last count) comprised over 1,300 fraudulent web sites.
Here is the full list of Berlin Homeo Products scam links. Check out a few and judge for yourself.
And make sure your Tetanus vaccinations are up to date.
Here is the list of all the products I have found.
Condition |
Product |
Abdominal Adhesions |
Acanthosis Nigricans |
Achlasia |
Acrocyanosis |
Acute Broncitis |
Adenopathy |
Adhd |
Adrenoleukodystrophy |
Agalactia (lack of breast milk) |
Age-Related Macular Degeneration |
Alkaptonuria (genetic) |
Allergic rhinitis |
Alopecia |
ameloblastoma |
Amenorrhea |
Amlyoidosis |
Angina |
Anginoedema |
Angionma |
http://angitin.com (the text is
for chloritin) |
Anklyosing Spondylitis |
Anorectal Fistula |
Antiphospholipid Syndrome |
Aquagenic Pruritus |
http://aquitin.com ( it said
chloritin again) |
Arachnoid cysts |
Artery stenosis |
http://atritin.com/about.htm (text
said arterial fibrillation) |
Ascites |
Asthma |
Atelectasis |
Atherosclerosis |
Atrial Fibrillation |
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia |
Azospermia |
Behcet's Syndrome |
Behcitin.com (domain not found) |
Bell's palsy |
Benign essential blaphasospasm |
Benign essential tremor |
Termarin (link goes to a maritime
port!) |
Blepharitis |
Link no longer available |
Blisters |
Blood in the Semen |
Bone and Joint Tuberculosis |
Bone Degeneration |
Bowen's Disease |
Bradycardia |
Breath odor |
Bromhidrosis |
Bronchiectasis |
Bulima |
Bullous pemphigoid |
Burning mouth syndrome |
Canker sore |
Carbunkles |
Carcinoid syndrome |
Cardiomyopathy |
Cataract |
Cellulitis |
Cerebal palsy |
*Reiter's syndrome |
Cervical spine ( i.e. "neck"!) |
Cervical Spondylosis |
Cervicitis |
Cheilitis |
Chloracne |
Chondromalacia Patellae |
Chordoma |
Cluster Headache |
Condyloma |
Congestive Heart Failure |
Constipation |
Cronkhite-Canada syndrome |
Cushings disease |
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome |
Dandruff |
Dark Circles |
Deep Venous Thrombosis |
Delayed Ejaculation |
Dermatomyositis |
Diabetes Insipidus |
Diverticular Disease |
Drematofibroma |
dremitin.com (not found) |
Drooling |
Drug Induced Liver Disease |
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding |
Dyshidrosis |
Dyspepsia |
Eczema |
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) |
relatin.com (not available) |
emphysema |
Enlarged Tonsils |
Eosinophilia |
Epididymitis |
Erysipelas |
Erythema multiforme |
Erythroderma |
erthrotab(!) |
Erythromelalgia |
Eyelid ptosis |
Fahr's Disease |
Fatty liver |
Fibroadenoma of Breast |
Fibrocystic Breast Disease |
Flatulence |
Folliculitis |
Formaldehyde poisoning |
Friedreich's Ataxia |
Frostbite |
Frozen shoulder |
Ganglion cyst |
anglitin (no longer available) |
Gastritis |
Gastro paresis |
Gilbert's Syndrome |
Gingivitis |
Glaucoma |
Globus hystericus |
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia |
Gonorrhea |
Granuloma annulare |
Grave's disease |
gravitin.com (reassigned?) |
Grover's Disease |
Guillain-Barre Syndrome |
gynecomastia |
Hand tremors |
Hearing loss |
Hemmorhoids (what, no Pileen?) |
Hepatic Hemangioma |
Hereditary Fructose Intolerence |
Hernias |
Herpes Simplex and Zoster |
Herpetiform dermatitis |
Hidradenitis Suppurativa |
Hives |
Hookworm |
Horner's Syndrome |
Hydrocele |
hydrocephalus |
Hydronephrosis |
Hyperhidrosis |
Hypertension |
Hypertensive retinopathy |
Hypotension |
Hysteria |
Ichthyosis |
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura |
Iga Nephropathy |
Impetigo |
Inclusion body myositis (IBM) |
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy |
Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
Jock itch |
Keloids |
Keratoacanthoma |
Leg ulcers |
Lennox Gastaut Syndrome |
Leukemia |
Lichen Planus |
Lichen Simplex Chronicus |
Lipoma |
Liver cyst |
Low back pain |
Lymphadenitis |
Malabsorption |
Male Infertility |
Mastitis |
Melasma |
Meniere's Disease |
Menorrhagia |
Mental Retardation (Grrrrr) |
Molluscum Contagiosum |
Motor Neuron Disease |
Multiple System Athrophy |
Muscular Dystrophy |
Muscular Fasciculation |
Myasthenia Gravis |
Myelitis |
Myocarditis |
Myopic degeneration |
mypotin.com (no longer available) |
Narcolepsy |
Nasal Polyps (Note Correct Spelling) |
Nephrotic Syndrome |
neutropenia |
Obesity |
Optic atrophy |
Osteo necrosis |
Osteomyelitis |
Osteoporosis |
Otitis media |
Pancreatitis |
Papular Urtucaria |
Parkinsonism |
parkotin (not available) |
Paroxysmal Tachycardia |
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease |
Pemphigus |
penumothorax |
Peptic ulcer |
Periodontitis |
Peripheral Neuropathy |
Peyronie's Disease |
Pharangitis |
photodermatitis |
Photosensitivity |
Pick's Disease |
Pityriasis Alba |
Pityriasis Roseca |
Pityriasis Rubra |
Pneumothorax |
Polycystic Kidney Disease |
Polycythemia Vera |
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) |
Polyps |
Porphyria (All 6 kinds?) |
Postconcussion syndrome |
Post-Polio Syndrome |
Post-traumatic Syndrome |
Precocious puberty |
Pre-eclampsia (pregnancy complication) |
Premature Gray Hair |
Pressure Ulcer |
Priapism |
Prickly heat |
Prostatitis |
Pruritus Ani |
PseudoTumor Cerebri |
Raynauds Syndrome |
Rectal prolapse |
Renal Artery Stenosis |
Renal Failure |
Restless Leg Syndrome |
Retinal Vein Occlusion |
Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Ringworm |
ringitin not available |
Rosacea |
Salivary Duct Stones |
Scabies |
Schistosomiasis |
Schizophrenia (now that is dangerous!) |
Sciatica |
Scleroderma |
Sebaceous Cyst |
Seborrheic Keratosis |
Sensitive Teeth |
Shingles |
Sick Sinus Syndrome |
Sinus Tachycardia |
Sjogrens Syndrome |
Skin Abscess |
Skin Tags |
Soft Tissue Sarcomas |
Spasmodic Dysphonia |
Spider Veins |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy |
Stroke (...REALLY?) |
Sunburn (check the privacy policy) |
Syringomyelia |
Teething troubles |
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome |
Tetanus |
Thalassemia minor |
Thrombocythemia |
Thyroid Nodule |
Thyroiditis |
Tick Bite |
http://bitnitin.com/ (says chloracne) |
Tinea |
Tinea Versicolor |
Tinnitus |
Trigenimenal Neuralgia |
Trimethylaminuria |
Ulcerative Colitis |
Undescended Testicle |
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding |
Urethritis |
Urticaria Pigmentosa |
Uterine Fibroids |
Uterine Prolapse |
Uveitis |
Vitreous Hemorrhage |
Vocal Cord Nodules |
Vocal Cord Paralysis |
Von Willebrand Disease |
Vulvovaginitis |
vulvutin (not available) |
Vulvular Dystrophy |
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia |
Warts |
Wilson's Disease |
Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome |
Burn them, burn them, BURN THEM TO THE GROUND AND SALT IT! I'm sorry but that's my disease up there. You can look up the Mayo Clinic, you can look up any database and no one has EVER lived longer than 10 years, it has been noted and studied for over 108 years and there never has been a single survivor and they come along and say they have a cure, a sure-fire cure. I hate them, I hate them, that they could even say such a thing, that they would profit off of people who have 0 percent chance. I am sure there are many more up there in the same boat, for whom it is a matter of time - but to pick these people, to pick ME as a person to offer a GUARENTEE (sic) that I will be cured - do you know how painful and pyschologically sick that is.
The diseases they promise, PROMISE to save us from are one which are the most painful, suffering, intense version of hell which can go on longer than even professionals can stomach to watch - do you think we would not pay anything, ANYTHING to be cured. But half of the fight is to NOT give in to chasing after anything because after all "This can't be happening to ME!" And the other half is to live on, knowing what will happen, and how it will happen.
Writing that made me cry enough to stop a few times. These are evil, evil people who are akin to those who dig up bodies in order to rip gold out of teeth. Burn them to the ground, please.
Posted by: elizabeth | September 22, 2009 at 02:35 AM
I will follow this up - as if MSA is not removed as a web page, I have informed them I will contact the EU and German authorities to go to that address and hold the people involved for criminal charges. As well as charges in the Hague. I have no issue calling the Met, or particularly this address in Germany and informing the police they are using terminal individuals as test subjects for profit, creating physical and psychological assault and torture. And I will ensure they are charged NOT with corporate or fraud but criminal charges. I want them to do time, in jail. And I want the entire operation raided (since they gave an address) because this definately contravenes the EU human rights laws regarding people with disabilities, and human basic dignity. Well, I guess I have a new hobby too.
Posted by: elizabeth | September 22, 2009 at 02:59 AM
Hello there,
I arrived at your site via an article posted by Joel Hirshhorn and noted your comment and out of curiosity arrived here.
I am most impressed with your dedication to your subject and your Mothers devotion to your children.
Basically there is Big Pharma or Pharmageddon with their equally weird pills and even weirder diagnostic techniques and then we have Baby Pharmageddon, those who you have exposed. As a peoples we are horribly exploited by both systems. I run a free website and forum in New Zealand which is visited by every nation.
I will not post my URL and abuse your blog because I am not interested in self promotion but what I am interested in is 'Health Freedom' to that end you will find the URL in my details.
You Maam are most welcome in my forum to instruct us all for the benefit of all. Come and share with us and let us all help each other. I sell nothing and I advertise nothing except health scams.
Ivor Hughes
Posted by: Ivor Hughes | September 26, 2009 at 06:09 PM
Yes, you are one of the main reasons I have been so diligent in tracking down and documenting these scammers. I think of your situation and I know what these people do is simply unconscionable.
I have complained to many agencies, to little avail. But you are much more persuasive than I, so go for it.
Thank you for your kind words and respect. I did wander over there last night; some interesting stuff! Thanks for the link.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | September 27, 2009 at 09:55 AM
I cannot believe that the peoples like berlin homeo products are doing this bloody business and german authorities are doing nothing.
Posted by: Tariq | March 06, 2010 at 06:24 AM
Their Pharmitin site is back up. I almost fell for it until I started doing my research. They did email me twice but when they didn't address my questions, I felt something was fishy. Here is the new link.
Posted by: Steven | April 13, 2010 at 10:59 PM
Thanks for that info. I updated the post to reflect the new link
Posted by: One Sick Mother | April 13, 2010 at 11:18 PM
It is just unbelievable that they keeps going back with another form of scamming or as new webpage.
Just a note to the readers if you are buying or looking forward to something online. Be aware of those websites which are using the way of auction by selling the bids. You will never get the item.
Posted by: William Le | August 26, 2010 at 06:57 PM