Joe returned home late yesterday, having stayed on at school for the Games club (he did warn me in advance that he was planning to do this).
Me: "So Joe, how was the games club?"
Joe: "I didn't go to the games club. It was too crowded. I went to Mathletes instead"
Me: (who would rather stick a fork in her eye than volunteer for Math): "So how was Mathletes?"
Joe: "It was fine."
Me: "Are you going to do it again next week?"
Joe: "Sure!"
His Grandad would be so proud...
This made me chuckle--my daughter's been on her school math team too and my son's also good at it.
Posted by: fridawrites | October 01, 2009 at 07:41 PM
Go mathletes! Whatever works. I am glad he found a club which communicates the same language, that of "If X squared - 3X=45 then what would X be" or whatever the questions they do now - I had a strange dream that I had the ability to polar coordinates in my head (calculus) but was TERRIBLE at the rest of calc. So I am happy at those who are good and enjoy it all.
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 07, 2009 at 07:14 AM