Keloids effect many people and is characterized by scarring. It can vary from isolated lesions to widespread scarring. There is no cure and few treatments.
Furthermore, because Keloids are often considered to be a cosmetic problem, insurance often will not cover treatment. Therefore, many people try to find a treatment outside of mainstream medicine. This makes people with Keloids prime targets for predatory scammers who look for people with tricky medical problems to exploit for their own gain.
There are two types of scam site to look out for:
- The straight scam product site
- The comparison scam site
Let's start with straight product scams. like the ones listed below. These sites are all for a single product, each of which claims "guaranteed treatment" or "results within days" and list all sorts of herbs, -some of which may be dangerous- as ingredients.
The scam sites have a lot in common: there is no real contact information listed anywhere: No names of people, no phone numbers, no e-mail addresses. The contact information is a mail forwarding service, and/or an online form which you fill out, which gives you no e-mail address and no way to follow up. Every single scam site I have found (over 900!) uses CCNow to process their payments. Make of that what you will. I am just stating the fact.
Here is the list of scam products I have found for Keloids, The product name is linked back to their site. If you click on the company name, you will be linked back to my article on the particular company selling that product and why it is bad. Please be aware that most of these companies advertise directly on WebMD and other legitimate medical sites. This does not make their products legitimate. Contrary to what WebMD would like you to believe, they do not verify all of their advertisers. There is a huge loophole in their advertising policy.Kelotab by Oslo Health Solutions (OHS). There ismore on OHS, detailing the kind of garbage they put in some of their preparations here and a little more info on them and the psychology of scamming here.
Loditin by Berlin Homeo Products
Kleneton by Gordon's Herbal Research Center
Please don't buy any of the above products. They are all scams. None of them are based in the country they claim to be based. All of the addresses are mail forwarding services. If you receive any pills, they will arrive from Pakistan. I have received tons of feedback from readers who tell me this is so.
The other type of scam site is more sneaky. These are the so-called "philanthropic" sites, the ones which want to "help" you find the "correct" cure for your "problem". These sites will list between two or four herbal treatments (all of which you will find listed above) in varying order, and will make an "independent recommendation" of which one they think is best. Of course, the catch is that the "independent" evaluator actually owns all of the bogus cures in the first place, so they don't care which one you choose, as long as you choose one. They get the money regardless.
(And they think we are the ones who are sick?)
Here is a list of the scam evaluators, along with the link to my background info on them. is run by The Society for the Promotion of Alternative Health (SPAH) run by Herbal Product Reviews run by Towards Natural Health. A little more on them here.
I have tried everything I can think to try and get these scams shut down; -and I am still trying, however, they are still operating. In the meantime, I am trying to get the word out as much as possible so that people won't buy these products and be ripped off. Unfortunately, I still get e-mails every day from people who have been. Just read some of the comments and you will see what I mean.
Please spread the word that these products are scams. If you belong to a support group or messageboard, please let the other members know about these scam products, so that they are not conned into wasting their time and money.