So it is over two weeks since I had a ton of bloodwork taken for #30 and I have not heard the results back. I figure #30, who is pretty highly specialized, went beyond the CBC and ran a bunch of unusual tests. I know these take some time, but still. I have never been good with waiting. Its the whole ADHD thing.
Wait and see: He'll probably call tonight just because I moaned about him.
I haven't been blogging much because I messed my back up pretty severely last week, and I wasn't really able to do ...anything, really. It is mostly back to abnormal now, but I now have something else going on, which is impairing my ability to think very well. I am waiting for that to get resolved.
I need to apologize in advance to my regular readers for the next series of posts. I am about to put up a whole series of scam posts, not on new scams, but on existing ones (specific to each disease this time). Sorry to repeat myself, but I am still getting a lot of e-mails and hits from people who find this site too late. I hope, by doing this, more people will find OSM first, and not waste their time, money and Hope on evil scammers.
Hope you're feeling better soon with the back issues and everything else that's going on with you. Personally I get a thrill when people look for info on Louise Hay or The Secret and some specific health issue and end up at my site.
Posted by: fridawrites | October 14, 2009 at 12:34 PM
Thanks, I hope you are doing OK, too with all that is going on.
You know I don't mind most of the hits. I would rather someone researching "hysmeton" would come here and get the real story than get to the Gordon's site and pay money to get ripped off.
I do get some weird hits that creep me out like "contortionist porn" or "mother porn" (ugh) because I think I wrote the word "porn" a few times. I also get "how to hurt yourself" and various variations thereof a lot because I once wrote a (serious) post with that title, which creeps me out.
funnily enough, the search hits about David Carridine, Michael Hutchence and "Stephen Milligan orange" don't bother me at all. Probably because that post was about lurid stuff anyway.
Posted by: One Sick Mother | October 15, 2009 at 08:39 AM
Just get well. All bloggers need to rest now and then/
Posted by: Diane J Standiford | October 15, 2009 at 09:44 PM
I'm doing okay right now, really pretty well. I've had hits like that too--mostly people wanting to look at naked firemen in the shower (this weirdly specific hit occurs all the time)--because of my post about passing out in the shower and needing paramedics.
Posted by: fridawrites | October 16, 2009 at 09:52 AM