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December 06, 2009


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If I go to a book or music site, I assume that what is being reviewed was sent gratis by the distributor or artist. Are they going to have to put up disclaimers now for what ought to be common knowledge? How bizarre.

On the other hand, it might be useful for reviews that are found on sites that aren't primarily review sites. I think we all have been contacted to review something or the other. I know some bloggers reveal that they were given the product, and others don't, probably because they didn't even think about it. When there are suddenly a lot of independent reviews about something, it should be obvious that there was a marketing campaign to generate buzz, but not everyone masters the fine art of distinguishing the obvious.

I do hope that the changes will make the big sites, especially medical ones, behave with more responsibility regarding their advertisements. Sort of peculiar, though, that newspapers won't be held to the same standards. Lots of people assume that newspapers won't run fraudulent ads, and papers like the NYT are hardly just local and ought to be subject to interstate federal law.

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