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July 09, 2010


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LOVE this!!!!


Well said. My ASD kid tells jokes, lies, and makes eye contact. He has friends, plays sports, and isn't especially brilliant--unless you call finding every loophole in every single situation an amazing talent.


What beautiful kids! You're definitely right that these myths are prevalent--it's very frustrating when teachers/counselors believe these despite evidence from doctors or people who do standardized testing. Being on the spectrum doesn't mean a child shows every trait anyone ever described. Plus my child has lost some of the traditional characteristics as he's become older. We've had to tell him, for example, that it hurts people's feelings if he doesn't say hello back, or that most people appreciate some eye contact.

Steve Ingram

Great post. i'm in total agreement with you. I can bust each of those myths. Another big myth is health providers/professional think our ASD kids are not happy and need to intervene.

Well as a dad of a ASD son, i can testify autistic kids are as happy as the next kid!
Also, It takes skill and experience to spot a mild to moderate ASD kid in a crowd. I have pictures of my kids and people cannot tell me which kid has ASD.

Cheers Steve


That's a pretty comprehensive mythbusting list!

You might like this new blog:


As the mother of a funny, extroverted, empathetic, and affectionate ASD kid, I **love** this -- thank you for compiling it. :)


I'm so excited to run into your blog! My children and I also have EDS and my 9 yr old daughter has Aspergers also.
We have a few other neurological issues that sound similar to your situation.
I tried to email you but was having trouble. I would be really happy if we could chat and compare notes!
We have EDS 3 but I really wonder about these extra things. I'm waiting for more research and another category to come out. :)


I really love this, and especially the great photos which really underscore your points! I have been away from the blogosphere for awhile, but trying to catch up.

Daniel Wattenbarger

Your statement that- "it is thought that there are approximately TEN (10) individuals in the entire world who are are true savants" is, in fact misinformation and false. Savantism happens, much like ASD on a spectrum and takes inumerable forms. In actuality, around 1 in 10 autistic children have some form of savant skills.
Dr. Darold Treffert P.H.D. the world's leading authority on savant syndrome, runs a website through the Wisconsin Medical Society devoted to furthering the understanding and educating the public on this rare condition.
Part of your misinformation comes from a confusion of the "labels" within the description of savant syndrome at large. The most common variety are splinter skills, as you have correctly stated above. The second is the "talented savant", which is having a great talent in marked contrast to an overall disability; the third is prodigious savantism, or having a genius level of ability [even if it occurred someone without autism]. Dr. Treffert & other researchers have theorized that there are around 50 prodigious savants in the world at present. Sometimes the lines between the "categories" are fuzzy and difficult to define, however. The Wisconsin Medical Society just completed a comprehensive world-wide savant registry this past summer, collecting data from around the world on known savants. For more information on savant syndrome, please visit:
Thank you! Great blog!

Juli Yoos

I love this and your pure honesty! And yes, all these myths are still being spewed by the "professionals". I just had a doctor tell me in April of 2010 that my son didn't meet the ASD because of the three things they look for. 1) Eye contact; 2) pointing; and 3) bringing us into his world. Needless to say we thanked him and walked out. We are still trying to figure everything out but I knew that this doctor wasn't for us. Great article!

One Sick Mother

Thank you for your comment.

Unfortunately, too many doctors seem to look at arbitary criteria, and look at guidlines as immobile, rather than evaluate the whole child. I have another piece on this, if you are interested.

Good luck finding answers for your son. I think this 'knowing something is wrong but not finding the right professional' is one of the most difficult stages to go through.


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