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« I Started A New Treatment Plan Yesterday | Main

June 12, 2014


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I haz a HUUUUGE grin!!!!


This is fantastic news! I'm thrilled that not only are the blood thinners effective, but also you're feeling so up.

I don't want to be negative, but for people who love you, it's impossible not to bitterly resent the eight years of suffering and all the bad doctors you endured.

What number is the new rheumatologist? Good lotto number. ;-)

One Sick Mother

Thanks guys. I'm not at the end of the diagnostic process yet, but it is in sight, which is a big relief after so long.


I'm pretty angry about those eight years, too. Especially as this is technically rheumatological and my original rheumatologist was someone I saw very early on, before I even lost my job to this.

The current one is ...#42? I've kinda lost count. Definitely in the 40s. It's shocking, no? I have joked that when I get the final diagnosis codes, I'm playing them in the megamillions.


Oh Hallelujah! I just checked in to see what was new and I'm so happy for you.

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